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  46.         <p class="ptime">2013/12/03 08:06</p>
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  51. <p>篁絎鴻 FreeBSD 若吾с潟ゃ潟鴻若 Perl 若吾с潟箴絖篁 FreeBSD 若吾с潟 OS (CentOS, Mac OS 膈) сс</p>
  52. <p>Drive Network с荀腥吾肢羆悟 篏睡 100% Pure Perl т障</p>
  53. <ul>
  54. <li class="left0"><a href="" title="PDFJ">PDFJ</a></li>
  55. <li class="left0"><a href="" title="PDFJ - ユ茯 PDF ≪吾ャ若 茯">PDFJ &#8211; ユ茯 PDF ≪吾ャ若 茯</a></li>
  56. </ul>
  57. <p>綵篏 2004 綛岩札激鴻膤祉蕁у√絎号鴻 Perl 若吾с潟 5.005 5.8.9 紊眼障</p>
  58. <p> 0.72 篏睡障若吾с潟≪若鴻сゃ潟鴻若篏睡膓膓 0.72 篏睡障</p>
  59. <p>Perl 5.8.9 т戎篁ヤ罕茘紊冴障</p>
  60. <pre>
  61. Pseudo-hashes are deprecated at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9/ line 2839.
  62. Pseudo-hashes are deprecated at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9/ line 2470.
  63. Pseudo-hashes are deprecated at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9/ line 2475.
  64. Pseudo-hashes are deprecated at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9/ line 2481.
  65. Pseudo-hashes are deprecated at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9/ line 3570.
  66. Pseudo-hashes are deprecated at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9/ line 3571.
  67. Pseudo-hashes are deprecated at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9/ line 3572.
  68. Pseudo-hashes are deprecated at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9/ line 3573.
  69. Pseudo-hashes are deprecated at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9/ line 3570.
  70. Pseudo-hashes are deprecated at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9/ line 3571.
  71. Pseudo-hashes are deprecated at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9/ line 3572.
  72. Pseudo-hashes are deprecated at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.9/ line 3573.
  73. </pre>
  74. <p>Pseudo-hashes Perl 5.10 篁ラс若蚊障罕с5.8.9 с茘у障障1 ゃ PDF <ゃ篏ф 100 茵篁ヤ冴翫障</p>
  75. <p><a href="" title="PDFJ 0.90 Perl 5.10 patch">PDFJ 0.90 Perl 5.10 patch</a> 障PDFJ 0.72 菴違 patch PDFJ 0.72 patch 篏障</p>
  76. <pre>
  77. ---    2011-06-27 17:17:13.000000000 +0900
  78. +++      2011-06-27 17:35:56.000000000 +0900
  79. @@ -2206,13 +2206,6 @@
  80.      $self-&gt;{hyphened} = 0;
  81. }
  82. -my %TextLineIndex = (
  83. -    Start =&gt; 1,
  84. -    Count =&gt; 2,
  85. -    Shift =&gt; 3,
  86. -    FixedGlues =&gt; 4,
  87. -);
  88. -
  89. sub _fold {
  90.      my($self, $linesize, $align) = @_;
  91.      my $chunks = $self-&gt;chunks;
  92. @@ -2307,7 +2300,13 @@
  93.                      $self-&gt;fixsize($start, $count, $fixedglues)) / 2;
  94.              }
  95.          }
  96. -        push @lines, [\%TextLineIndex, $start, $count, $shift, $fixedglues];
  97. +        my %hash =(
  98. +            Start      =&gt; $start ,
  99. +            Count      =&gt; $count ,
  100. +            Shift      =&gt; $shift ,
  101. +            FixedGlues =&gt; $fixedglues ,
  102. +            );
  103. +        push(@lines,\%hash);
  104.          $start = $nextpos;
  105.      }
  106.      @lines;
  107. @@ -2322,7 +2321,7 @@
  108.      my($can, $canleft, $pre, $word);
  109.      if( $string =~ /([A-Za-z]-)([A-Za-z])/ ) {
  110.          $can = $`.$1;
  111. -        $canleft = $2.$';
  112. +        $canleft = $2.$'; #'
  113.      } elsif( $string =~ /[A-Za-z]{5,}/ ) {
  114.          $pre = $`;
  115.          $word = $&#038;;
  116. @@ -3289,28 +3288,30 @@
  117. # chunk array index
  118. my %ChunkIndex = (
  119. -    Style =&gt; 1,           # PDFJ::TextStyle object
  120. -    Mode =&gt; 2,            # description as above
  121. -    Class =&gt; 3,           # description as above
  122. -    Splittable =&gt; 4,      # 1 for splittable at pre-postion
  123. -    Glue =&gt; 5,            # normal glue width
  124. -    GlueDec =&gt; 6,         # decrease adjustable glue width
  125. -    GlueInc =&gt; 7,         # increase adjustable glue width
  126. -    GluePref =&gt; 8,        # glue preference
  127. -    Count =&gt; 9,           # characters count
  128. -    String =&gt; 10,         # characters string
  129. -    PreShift =&gt; 11,       # postion shift at pre-postion
  130. -    PostShift =&gt; 12,      # postion shift at post-postion
  131. -    GlueFix =&gt; 13,        # fixed glue (to be calculated)
  132. -    Hyphened =&gt; 14,       # 1 for splitted, 2 for hyphened
  133. -    RubyText =&gt; 15,       # ruby PDFJ::Text object
  134. -    AltObj =&gt; 16,         # alternative object for String
  135. +    Style       =&gt;  0,    # PDFJ::TextStyle object
  136. +    Mode        =&gt;  1,    # description as above
  137. +    Class       =&gt;  2,    # description as above
  138. +    Splittable  =&gt;  3,    # 1 for splittable at pre-postion
  139. +    Glue        =&gt;  4,    # normal glue width
  140. +    GlueDec     =&gt;  5,    # decrease adjustable glue width
  141. +    GlueInc     =&gt;  6,    # increase adjustable glue width
  142. +    GluePref    =&gt;  7,    # glue preference
  143. +    Count       =&gt;  8,    # characters count
  144. +    String      =&gt;  9,    # characters string
  145. +    PreShift    =&gt; 10,    # postion shift at pre-postion
  146. +    PostShift   =&gt; 11,    # postion shift at post-postion
  147. +    GlueFix     =&gt; 12,    # fixed glue (to be calculated)
  148. +    Hyphened    =&gt; 13,    # 1 for splitted, 2 for hyphened
  149. +    RubyText    =&gt; 14,    # ruby PDFJ::Text object
  150. +    AltObj      =&gt; 15,    # alternative object for String
  151. +    RubyOverlap =&gt; 16,    # ruby overlap size
  152. );
  153. sub new {
  154.      my($class, @args) = @_;
  155. -    unshift @args, \%ChunkIndex;
  156. -    bless \@args, $class;
  157. +        my %hash  = map {  $_ =&gt; $args[ $ChunkIndex{ $_ } ] } keys(%ChunkIndex) ;
  158. +
  159. +    bless \%hash, $class;
  160. }
  161. sub clone {
  162. </pre>
  163. <p>筝荐ц障腆肴障</p>
  164. <p><≪ Perl 5.8.9 с PDF <ゃ絎鴻 md5 ус綏障腆肴障</p>
  165. <p># PDFJ 鴻篏腆肴荐潟с障篋篋帥</p>
  166. <blockquote class="line0">
  167. <ul>
  168. <li class="left"><a href="" title="Migrate 32bit to 64bit (FreeBSD, PostgreSQL)">Migrate 32bit to 64bit (FreeBSD, PostgreSQL)</a></li>
  169. <li class="left"><a href="" title="Migrate 32bit to 64bit (FreeBSD, GDBM)">Migrate 32bit to 64bit (FreeBSD, GDBM)</a></li>
  170. <li class="left"><a href="" title="Migrate 32bit to 64bit (FreeBSD, ionCube PHP Loader)">Migrate 32bit to 64bit (FreeBSD, ionCube PHP Loader)</a></li>
  171. <li class="left"><a href="" title="Migrate to FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE (ImageMagick 6.4)">Migrate to FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE (ImageMagick 6.4)</a></li>
  172. <li class="left"><a href="" title="Migrate to FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE (PostgreSQL)">Migrate to FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE (PostgreSQL)</a></li>
  173. <li class="left"><a href="" title="Migrate to FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE (JDk 1.6)">Migrate to FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE (JDK 1.6)</a></li>
  174. <li class="left"><a href="" title="Migrate to FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE (idnconv)">Migrate to FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE (idnconv)</a></li>
  175. <li class="left"><a href="" title="Migrate to FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE (PDFJ)">Migrate to FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE (PDFJ)</a></li>
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