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  46.         <p class="ptime">2013/08/20 20:44</p>
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  51. <p><a href="" title="VirtualBox (FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE + xorg 7.7)">VirtualBox (FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE + xorg 7.7)</a> 鴻с若 PC 眼 Emacs 24.3 + Mew 6.5 医紊眼障</p>
  52. <p><羃膰阪宍罕膀2 演綣激阪宍筝篏睡馹cс罧灸戎c鴻絎 PC (鴻) 紮障</p>
  53. <p>c劫眼紮鴻羂篁障</p>
  54. <p>+outbox +trash 1 ? 3 筝腮<若障篁障с腮綺膣腥違с10 &#8211; 100 腮腱糸 summary 贋違障c鴻鴻障с(Emacs 23.4 + Mew 6.5)</p>
  55. <p>Emacs 24.3 с +outbox +trash 腱糸冴障c罕若純鴻障腱糸<若 summary 贋違с.mew-summary ゃ篏紊障</p>
  56. <h3>Emacs 23 祉 -nw с若若鴻</h3>
  57. <p>絎眼障 Emacs 23.4 + Mew 6.5 障障с障c馹с/usr/ports/editors/emacs23/ у罕膀帥障</p>
  58. <p>+outbox +trash 篏障c馹障篁綺 -nw ц儀翫 canna у冴c罕с障c若若篁障canna 若違罕у馹ャс</p>
  59. <h3>Emacs 24 祉茹f浦膈「膣</h3>
  60. <p>医茹f浦Emacs 24.3 祉茹f浦膈「障</p>
  61. <p>荀ゃ障 mew-dist с荅帥祉弱馹障с劫障</p>
  62. <pre>
  63. (defadvice mew-summary-cook-region
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  72.             (flag (buffer-modified-p)))
  73.         (remove-text-properties start end '(invisible nil))
  74.         (set-buffer-modified-p flag))))
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  76. <p>[mew-dist 29521] 腮帥 .emacs 吾菴処с腆冴筝荐菴遵篁障с若冴綮吟罕障障</p>
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