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  49.         <p class="ptime">2012/10/02 20:38</p>
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  54. <p>sshd popd 絲障 brute force attack (膩鏄紙) с泣若眼莢激ュ若若後с<若篆<ャ宴若鴻h障</p>
  55. <p>sshd 医拘с絲丞若篏羝帥с 1 綛雁 popd 絲障紙ュ絎壕畿祉激с恰違綣泣c load averages 500 伹障т障</p>
  56. <p>紙劫彰 IP ≪鴻茲違泣若膩鏄紙茵с莢激ュ篌眼蚊若сゃ L3 鴻ゃ篏ч障違障紜ャ障</p>
  57. <p>sshd с茯荐弱け /var/log/auth.log Falied password &#8230; 阪障筝絎医阪翫ipfw ц峨 IP ≪鴻鴻潟ч筝絎腟緇茹f障障</p>
  58. <p>篁腟帥 popd (/usr/ports/mail/popd/) 障障с若篏羞私网荀 <a href="" title="FreeBSD Brute Force Attack Counter Tool (No. 2)">罨≦</a> 茯障</p>
  59. <pre class="brush: perl; auto-links: false;">
  60. #
  61. #
  62. #
  63. #// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  64. #// use Module
  65. #// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  66. use strict;
  67. use vars qw( $opt_p );
  68. use Getopt::Long;
  69. #// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  70. #// Controller
  71. #// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  72.     #// ----------------------------------------------------------
  73.     #// Option Parse
  74.     #// ----------------------------------------------------------
  75.     $opt_p = 0;
  76.     my @basename = split(/\//, $0);
  77.     my $basename = pop(@basename);
  78.     my $result   = GetOptions(&#039;p&#039;);
  79.     #// ----------------------------------------------------------
  80.     #// Item Set
  81.     #// ----------------------------------------------------------
  82.     my $item = {
  83.         mkdir    =&gt; &#039;/bin/mkdir&#039;,
  84.         cat      =&gt; &#039;/bin/cat&#039;,
  85.         chmod    =&gt; &#039;/bin/chmod&#039;,
  86.         ps       =&gt; &#039;/bin/ps&#039;,
  87.         hostname =&gt; &#039;/bin/hostname&#039;,
  88.         mail     =&gt; &#039;/usr/bin/mail&#039;,
  89.         awk      =&gt; &#039;/usr/bin/awk&#039;,
  90.         grep     =&gt; &#039;/usr/bin/grep&#039;,
  91.         chown    =&gt; &#039;/usr/sbin/chown&#039;,
  92.         cp       =&gt; &#039;/bin/cp&#039;,
  93.         wc       =&gt; &#039;/usr/bin/wc&#039;,
  94.         touch    =&gt; &#039;/usr/bin/touch&#039;,
  95.         head     =&gt; &#039;/usr/bin/head&#039;,
  96.         tail     =&gt; &#039;/usr/bin/tail&#039;,
  97.         host     =&gt; &#039;/usr/bin/host&#039;,
  98.         ipfw     =&gt; &#039;/sbin/ipfw&#039;,
  99.         target0  =&gt; &#039;/var/log/auth.log&#039;,
  100.         target1  =&gt; &#039;/var/log/poplog&#039;,
  101.         dir0     =&gt; &#039;/home/tools/bfcheck.s/&#039;,
  102.         dir1     =&gt; &#039;/home/tools/bfcheck.p/&#039;,
  103.         mistime  =&gt; 10,
  104.         expire   =&gt; 1800,
  105.         delim    =&gt; &#039;last_line&#039;,
  106.         good     =&gt; &#039;pass&#039;,
  107.         stat0    =&gt; &#039;-&#039;,
  108.         stat1    =&gt; &#039;add&#039;,
  109.         stat2    =&gt; &#039;expire&#039;,
  110.         maddr    =&gt; &#039;;,
  111.         report   =&gt; 0,
  112.         base     =&gt; $basename,
  113.         file     =&gt; &#039;/tmp/.&#039; . $basename
  114.     };
  115.     if ($opt_p == 0) {
  116.         $item-&gt;{target} = $item-&gt;{target0};
  117.         $item-&gt;{dir}    = $item-&gt;{dir0};
  118.         $item-&gt;{file}  .= &#039;.s&#039;;
  119.     }
  120.     if ($opt_p == 1) {
  121.         $item-&gt;{target} = $item-&gt;{target1};
  122.         $item-&gt;{dir}    = $item-&gt;{dir1};
  123.         $item-&gt;{file}  .= &#039;.p&#039;;
  124.     }
  125.     if ( !-d $item-&gt;{dir} ) {
  126.         `$item-&gt;{mkdir} $item-&gt;{dir}`;
  127.         `$item-&gt;{chmod} 750 $item-&gt;{dir}`;
  128.     }
  129.     #// ----------------------------------------------------------
  130.     #// Start
  131.     #// ----------------------------------------------------------
  132.     #// list
  133.     my $check = {};
  134.     ($item, $check) = mklog($item);
  135.     my $last0 = $item-&gt;{last_line};
  136.     my $last  = count($item);
  137.     my $tnum  = $last;
  138.     #// read log
  139.     if ($last &gt;= $last0) { $tnum = $last - $last0; }
  140.     # $last &lt; $last0 --&gt; log rotated
  141.     my $diff = `$item-&gt;{tail} -n $tnum $item-&gt;{target};`;
  142.     foreach (split(/\n/, $diff)) {
  143.         my $ipaddr = replace($item, check($_));
  144.         $check-&gt;{$ipaddr}-&gt;{num} += 1;
  145.     }
  146.     #// data check
  147.     my @line   = ();
  148.     my $deny   = &#039;&#039;;
  149.     my $expire = {};
  150.     my $log    = &#039;&#039;;
  151.     foreach (%$check) {
  152.         next unless ($check-&gt;{$_});
  153.         next if ($_ eq $item-&gt;{good});
  154.         if ($check-&gt;{$_}-&gt;{add} &amp;&amp; $check-&gt;{$_}-&gt;{add} == 1) {
  155.             my $time = date2utime($check-&gt;{$_}-&gt;{time});
  156.             if (($item-&gt;{utime} - $time) &gt;= $item-&gt;{expire}) {
  157.                 $expire-&gt;{$_} = 1;
  158.                 $log    .= $item-&gt;{time} . &quot;\t&quot; . $_ . &quot;\t&quot; .
  159.                            0 . &quot;\t&quot; . $item-&gt;{stat2} . &quot;\n&quot;;
  160.             }
  161.             if ($check-&gt;{$_}-&gt;{mode}) {
  162.                 $log    .= $item-&gt;{time} . &quot;\t&quot; . $_ . &quot;\t&quot; .
  163.                            0 . &quot;\t&quot; . $item-&gt;{stat1} . &quot;\n&quot;;
  164.             }
  165.         } else {
  166.             next if ($check-&gt;{$_}-&gt;{num} == 0);
  167.             if ($check-&gt;{$_}-&gt;{num0} &amp;&amp;
  168.                 $check-&gt;{$_}-&gt;{num0} == $check-&gt;{$_}-&gt;{num}) {
  169.             } elsif ($check-&gt;{$_}-&gt;{num} &gt;= $item-&gt;{mistime}) {
  170.                 my $line = &quot;00101 deny ip from $_ to any&quot;;
  171.                 push(@line, $line);
  172.                 $deny .= &quot;$line\n&quot;;
  173.                 $log  .= $item-&gt;{time} . &quot;\t&quot; . $_ . &quot;\t&quot; .
  174.                          $check-&gt;{$_}-&gt;{num} . &quot;\t&quot; . $item-&gt;{stat1} . &quot;\n&quot;;
  175.             } else {
  176.                 $log  .= $item-&gt;{time} . &quot;\t&quot; . $_ . &quot;\t&quot; .
  177.                          $check-&gt;{$_}-&gt;{num} . &quot;\t&quot; . $item-&gt;{stat0} . &quot;\n&quot;;
  178.             }
  179.         }
  180.     }
  181.     if ($deny ne &#039;&#039; &amp;&amp; $item-&gt;{report} == 1) {
  182.         report($item, $deny);
  183.     }
  184.     #// ipfw list 101
  185.     my @list = `$item-&gt;{ipfw} list | $item-&gt;{grep} 00101`;
  186.     foreach (@list) {
  187.         chomp;
  188.         my @line0 = split(/ /);
  189.         my $check = $line0[4];
  190.         next if ($expire-&gt;{$check} &amp;&amp; $expire-&gt;{$check} == 1);
  191.         push(@line, $_);
  192.     }
  193.     if (@list) {
  194.         `$item-&gt;{ipfw} delete 101`;
  195.     }
  196.     foreach (@line) {
  197.         my $line = &quot;$item-&gt;{ipfw} add &quot; . $_;
  198.         `$line`;
  199.     }
  200.     #// write log
  201.     open READ, &quot;&lt;$item-&gt;{log}&quot;;
  202.     my @log = &lt;READ&gt;;
  203.     close READ;
  204.     open WRITE, &quot;+&gt;$item-&gt;{log}&quot;;
  205.     unless (@log) {
  206.         print WRITE $item-&gt;{delim} . &quot;\t\t&quot; . $last . &quot;\n&quot;;
  207.     } else {
  208.         foreach (@log) {
  209.             if ($_ =~ /^$item-&gt;{delim}/) {
  210.                 print WRITE $item-&gt;{delim} . &quot;\t\t&quot; . $last . &quot;\n&quot;;
  211.             } else {
  212.                 print WRITE $_;
  213.             }
  214.         }
  215.     }
  216.     print WRITE $log;
  217.     close WRITE;
  218. #// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  219. #// Model
  220. #// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  221. sub date2utime {
  222.     my $date = shift;
  223.     $date =~ s/[\/:]/ /g;
  224.     $date =~ s/^(\s+)//g; $date =~ s/(\s+)$//g;
  225.     $date =~ s/(\s+)/ /g;
  226.     my ($year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec) = split(/ /, $date);
  227.     if (!defined $sec) { $sec = 0; }
  228.     $mon -= 1;
  229.     eval { timelocal($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year); };
  230.     if ($@) { return 0; }
  231.     my $utime = timelocal($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year);
  232.     return $utime;
  233. }
  234. sub utime2date {
  235.     my ($sec, $min, $hours, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($_[0]);
  236.     my $years    = $year + 1900;
  237.     my $this_mon = sprintf(&quot;%02d&quot;,$mon + 1);
  238.     $mday  = sprintf(&quot;%02d&quot;, &quot;$mday&quot;);
  239.     $hours = sprintf(&quot;%02d&quot;, &quot;$hours&quot;);
  240.     $min   = sprintf(&quot;%02d&quot;, &quot;$min&quot;);
  241.     $sec   = sprintf(&quot;%02d&quot;, &quot;$sec&quot;);
  242.     my $date = &quot;$years/$this_mon/$mday $hours:$min:$sec&quot;;
  243.     return $date;
  244. }
  245. sub mklog {
  246.     my ($item) = @_;
  247.     my $check = {};
  248.     my $utime = time();
  249.     my $time  = utime2date($utime);
  250.     my $time0 = substr(utime2date($utime), 0, 10);
  251.     my $file  = $time0; $file =~ s/\///g;
  252.     $item-&gt;{log}   = $item-&gt;{dir} . $file;
  253.     $item-&gt;{utime} = $utime;
  254.     $item-&gt;{time}  = $time;
  255.     $item-&gt;{time0} = $time0;
  256.     ($item, $check) = last_line($item);
  257.     return ($item, $check);
  258. }
  259. sub last_line {
  260.     my ($item) = @_;
  261.     my $check = {};
  262.     my $num   = 0;
  263.     if ( -e $item-&gt;{log} ) {
  264.         my $str = `$item-&gt;{head} -1 $item-&gt;{log}`;
  265.         chomp $str;
  266.         $str =~ s/([\s\t]+)/ /g;
  267.         if ($str =~ /$item-&gt;{delim} (.+)/) {
  268.             $num = $1;
  269.         }
  270.         ($item, $check) = fetch_log($item, $item-&gt;{log});
  271.     } else {
  272.         `$item-&gt;{touch} $item-&gt;{log}`;
  273.         my $time  = date2utime(&quot;$item-&gt;{time0} 00:00:00&quot;);
  274.         my $time0 = substr(utime2date($time - 1), 0, 10);
  275.         my $file0 = $time0; $file0 =~ s/\///g;
  276.         my $log = $item-&gt;{dir} . $file0;
  277.         if ( -e $log ) {
  278.             my $str = `$item-&gt;{head} -1 $log`;
  279.             chomp $str;
  280.             $str =~ s/([\s\t]+)/ /g;
  281.             if ($str =~ /$item-&gt;{delim} (.+)/) {
  282.                 $num = $1;
  283.             }
  284.             ($item, $check) = fetch_log($item, $log, 1);
  285.         }
  286.     }
  287.     $item-&gt;{last_line} = $num;
  288.     return ($item, $check);
  289. }
  290. sub fetch_log {
  291.     my ($item, $log, $mode) = @_;
  292.     unless ($mode) { $mode = 0; }
  293.     open READ, &quot;&lt;$log&quot;;
  294.     my @log = &lt;READ&gt;;
  295.     close READ;
  296.     my $check = {};
  297.     foreach (@log) {
  298.        chomp;
  299.        next if ($_ =~ /^$item-&gt;{delim}/);
  300.        my ($time, $ipaddr, $num, $stat) = split(/\t/);
  301.        if ($stat eq $item-&gt;{stat0}) {   #// &#039;-&#039;
  302.            $check-&gt;{$ipaddr}-&gt;{num}  = $num;
  303.            $check-&gt;{$ipaddr}-&gt;{num0} = $num;
  304.            $check-&gt;{$ipaddr}-&gt;{add}  = 0;
  305.        }
  306.        if ($stat eq $item-&gt;{stat1}) {   #// &#039;add&#039;
  307.            $check-&gt;{$ipaddr}-&gt;{num}  = $num;
  308.            $check-&gt;{$ipaddr}-&gt;{add}  = 1;
  309.            $check-&gt;{$ipaddr}-&gt;{time} = $time;
  310.            $check-&gt;{$ipaddr}-&gt;{mode} = $mode;
  311.        }
  312.        if ($stat eq $item-&gt;{stat2}) {   #// &#039;expire&#039;
  313.            $check-&gt;{$ipaddr}-&gt;{num}  = $num;
  314.            $check-&gt;{$ipaddr}-&gt;{num0} = 0;
  315.            $check-&gt;{$ipaddr}-&gt;{add}  = 0;
  316.        }
  317.     }
  318.     return ($item, $check)
  319. }
  320. sub count {
  321.     my ($item) = @_;
  322.     my $num = `$item-&gt;{wc} -l $item-&gt;{target} | $item-&gt;{awk} &#039;{print \$1}&#039;`;
  323.     chomp $num;
  324.     return $num;
  325. }
  326. sub check {
  327.     my ($line) = @_;
  328.     my $mode = 0;
  329.     # sample
  330.     # Oct  2 12:34:00 hsXX sshd[17625]: Failed password for root from
  331.     if ($line =~ /Failed /) {
  332.         if ($line =~ /(.+)Failed password for invalid user (.+)/) {
  333.             $mode = 1;
  334.         } elsif ($line =~ /(.+)Failed publickey for (.+)/) {
  335.             $mode = 0;
  336.         } elsif ($line =~ /(.+)Failed password for (.+)/) {
  337.             $mode = 3;
  338.             # Oct  2 12:34:00 hsXX sshd[17625]: root from
  339.         }
  340.         if ($mode != 0) { $line = $1 . $2; }
  341.     }
  342.     return ($mode, $line);
  343. }
  344. sub replace {
  345.     my ($item, $mode, $line) = @_;
  346.     chomp $line;
  347.     return $item-&gt;{good} if ($mode == 0);
  348.     $line =~ s/(\s+)/ /g;
  349.     my @str = split(/ /, $line);
  350.     my $ipaddr = $str[7];
  351.     return $ipaddr;
  352. }
  353. sub report {
  354.     my ($item, $msg) = @_;
  355.     my $host = `$item-&gt;{hostname}`; chomp $host;
  356.     my $time = utime2date(time());
  357.     my $file = $item-&gt;{file};
  358.     my $subj = &quot;Info: ipfw ($host)&quot;;
  359.     my $body = &lt;&lt;&quot;BODY&quot;;
  360. $time =&gt; ipfw add
  361. $msg
  362. BODY
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  364.     print FILE $body;
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  366.     `$item-&gt;{mail} -s &quot;$subj&quot; $item-&gt;{maddr} &lt; $file`;
  367.     unlink($file);
  368. }
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  371. <ul>
  372. <li class="left"><a href="" title="FreeBSD Disk Array Check Tool">FreeBSD Disk Array Check Tool</a></li>
  373. <li class="left"><a href="" title="FreeBSD File System Check Tool">FreeBSD File System Check Tool</a></li>
  374. <li class="left">FreeBSD Brute Force Attack Counter Tool (No. 1)</li>
  375. <li class="left"><a href="" title="FreeBSD Brute Force Attack Counter Tool (No. 2)">FreeBSD Brute Force Attack Counter Tool (No. 2)</a></li>
  376. <li class="left"><a href="" title="FreeBSD ACPI Thermal Check Tool">FreeBSD ACPI Thermal Check Tool</a></li>
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